Private Financial Group has had the pleasure of working with incredible individuals over the years. We are grateful that many have shared their positive experiences and kind words about our firm.1

"I wish we would have done this years ago"

We are more than happy to have others share in our experience with you. We would like to let others know how greatly we are for all you have done for us, our business and our children. 

I wish we would have done this years ago. 

Thank you for all the support you have given us. "

- Jeff & Paulette S., January 2024

"PFG starts with a destination in mind"

PFG has developed a “LifePrint” which directly reflects the personal financial goals and requirements of my family.  Our relationship has evolved over the last 13 years, but what makes Peter and his team different from others in this industry, is that PFG starts with a destination in mind.  We spend a substantial amount of time discussing specific goals:

Peter Dobrich and PFG have made a point of understanding the needs of my family first, and then building a plan that supports those needs.  As my business and net worth grows, through the ebbs and flows of life and the economy, our needs also evolve.  Peter and I meet frequently, at least once per year, to ensure our destination and financial goals remain aligned. 

I would strongly recommend a meeting with Peter and the PFG team if you are looking to accomplish very specific financial and life goals.   Our professional relationship has evolved into a friendship, and Peter and PFG now play an important role with our family.

- Jeff L., January 2024

"Peter and his team have a wealth of knowledge "

My experience with PFG has been fantastic to date. Peter and his team have a wealth of knowledge that have made a significant impact on how I invest now for my future. I can’t say enough about how they have worked hard to ensure that I have all the best products to support my needs but also that I have a support team to ensure I have everything in a place I can easily find and access.

- Dan R., January 2024

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1 Testimonials on this website were solicited and may not be representative of all clients.

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